Monday, June 23, 2014

 You have a source at the CDC and she has just informed you that the government has confirmed that the Zombie Apocalypse has begun. You have 24 hours to prepare before people in your town start turning. How will you use your time to prepare for the apocalypse?

So.. being the prepared person that i was, i would have a bunker somewhere in New Mexico that i would bug out to. First, i would tell my immediate family, my mother, father, sister, boyfriend grandma and uncle. i would assign my family various tasks. my mother would get a rental van and stuff it full of the household items and pets we would be taking with us, my father would go and get an insane amount of gasoline while my grandma and uncle would go and get an insane amount of non-perishable food items and water. my sister and i would go to the sports center and buy cross bows and arrows. When that was done my boyfriend would drive the rental van full of stuff with my grandma to the bunker. and get everything set up and working, and check to make sure everything works and is set up properly. They would call us if they needed anything, my dad and i would then go to the pharmacy and get non prescription meds and toiletries by the cartful. my mother and sister would go and buy lots of seeds for planting and farm tools and equipment, as well as small farm animals such as chickens and goats. Dad would then go get as many guns as he could get his hands on. i would haul my butt over to the barnes and nobles to get the latest books before the Apocalypse as well as study materials so i dont forget anything. we would then all go up to the Bunker, and set up a tv system to watch what is going on in the outside world, of course the the bunker would be connected to an underground well to ensure there would be plenty of water for the next three-five years. That is houw i would prepare for zombie Apocalypse. 

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